Customer representative

In your best interest

New form of customer service

Power of attorney

Long-term experience and our subjective observations brought us to the conclusions that there is a wide range of customers that require prompt and decisive actions in order to acquire desired object. Due to the lack of the requirement of obtaining certificate or a note in the national register, being a real estate agent is easy and does not require any knowledge. This may negatively influence the market and may cause bad image of the real estate agent in the society.

We respect and cooperate with real-estate agents.

Nevertheless, we urge to change a traditional image of the real estate agent into multitask representative of the customer’s interests, now in Sky Invest micro scale.

Every customer that finds us can be assured that they will be delivered high-quality service. We do not take commission – we perform our service for predefined value that is balanced, depended on the task difficulty and requirements that order includes.

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